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Produção da Start up – A professora Debora Façanha é responsável pela administração da Startup Alelo A2. A Alelo A2 é uma startup criada no Programa Clusters de Inovação Econômica que trabalha com uma proposta de valor que visa conectar o setor produtivo com os consumidores que necessitam ingerir o leite A2, devido a limitações digestivas, principalmente alergias, reações inflamatórias. Nas ações de 2023, foram interrompidos os atendimentos aos pecuaristas das raças Gir, Sindi, Mestiços SRD x Holandes, Curraleiro Pé-Duro e Guzrá. As exposições foram realizadas nos estandes do PEC NORDESTE 2023 e no SEMINÁRIO AGOSETORES – SDE – Governo do Ceará.

Produção de aplicativo para medir dor – A professora Valéria Veras fez parte da equipe de pesquisadores que idealizaram aplicativo gratuito para ajudar a calcular o nível de dor e mal-estar dos animais. Desenvolvido na cidade de Botucatu (SP), o VetPain, como foi batizado, trabalha com escalas para avaliar o sofrimento de pets e de animais de produção, como bovinos, equinos, ovinos e suínos. O aplicativo pode ser utilizado tanto por profissionais da área, como por tutores que estarão aptos para avaliar a condição geral do bicho e fazer um encaminhamento mais correto. “Ao calcular a pontuação, o tutor também saberá identificar se existe a necessidade de tratamento com analgésico ou se o caso exige uma consulta médica” de acordo com a produtora do aplicativo.

Criossistema de Tecido Ovariano – OTC – Em colaboração com a equipe do LAMOFOPA da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, por meio da Rede de Ovários Artificiais, adaptamos um sistema fechado para criopreservação de tecido ovariano de animais silvestres. Em 2021, foi demonstrada a eficácia do OTC como dispositivo para criopreservação de tecido ovariano de um modelo de roedor selvagem, a cutia (Dasyprocta leporina), bem como sua eficiência no controle da proliferação de carga bacteriana aeróbia durante o processamento de amostras.

Production of Face-Shields. The new Coronavirus pandemic has led researchers around the world to look for alternatives that can reduce Covid-19 contamination. In this context, Prof. Marcelo Bezerra, from PPGCA, is producing facial shields – Face Shield – from new materials, such as a combination of polymethylmethacrylate and benzoyl peroxide, which generates an acrylic resin. Now, the laboratory has already produced more than 500 Face-Shields, distributed to professors, students and servers from different sectors of UFERSA.

Low cost incubator for in vitro embryo production. Project approved in PROPPG OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 13/2020 – STARTUP / UFERSA, through the Technological Innovation Center, which aims to provide financial support and structure for students to develop solutions in the form of companies that use innovation, usually of an intense technological nature, and have the capacity to scale, known as startup’s. The aforementioned project was approved and will be developed under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Marcelo Barbosa Bezerra, from PPGCA, with a total resource of R $ 15,600.00.

Ovarian Tissue Cryosystem – OTC: In partnership with the LAMOFOPA team at the State University of Ceará, through the Artificial Ovary Network, the team from the Animal Germplasm Conservation Laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alexandre Rodrigue Silva, has been adapting a closed system for the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue for wild animals.

Testicular Tissue Cryopreservation Bioprocess: In partnership with the Smithsonian Institute, the team from the Animal Germplasm Conservation Laboratory, under the coordination of Prof. Alexandre Rodrigues Silva, has brought to Brazil a methodology for the cryopreservation of testicular tissue, which will effectively contribute to the formation of biobanks of valuable genotypes, whether of wild or domestic origin.

Bioactives extracted from plants in the in vitro production of embryos: In partnership with the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, professor Alexsandra Fernandes Pereira has generated applications beyond those existing for plants present in the region as a source of bioactive for the production of embryos.

Use of nuclear transfer cloning in the conservation of wild mammals. Professor Alexsandra Fernandes Pereira had in her PhD in 2010 the first thesis of the Northeast region in the area of ​​cloning by nuclear transfer in animals. As a result, after joining UFERSA and PPGCA in 2013 as a professor, it has enabled training of human resources in the area, as well as expanding this technique for the conservation of wild mammals. The aspect is innovative, since the professor and her team have generated data on wild species, such as jaguars, collectors and agoutis, unique in the world. In addition, recently, the professor established a scientific partnership with professor Fabiana Fernandes Bressan from USP in order to produce cells induced to pluripotency in this species.

New preservatives in meat products. Professor Patrícia de Oliveira Lima has developed experiments aimed at new preservatives from natural products in the preservation of meat products. An interesting case was the dissertation by student Allison Ferreira de Lima and entitled ‘Edible coatings based on chitosan and rosemary extract and its applicability in beef, resulted in the development of a technological alternative to increase the shelf life of meat”

Experimental biotechnology of propolis. Professor Jael Batista Soares has developed experiments focused on the use of propolis as herbal medicines applied in Veterinary Medicine. Examples of these innovative aspects can be observed in the works defended under his guidance, such as “Healing activity of red propolis in surgical wounds and cats submitted to ovariosalpingohisterectomy”.

Innovations in the area of ​​Animal Biotechnology. Professor Marcelo Barbosa Bezerra has developed experiments aimed at technological innovation. An interesting case was the dissertation by student Beatriz Dantas Fernandes and entitled “Development of SILPURAN® silicone-based microfluidic system for the selection of bovine sperm.

Technological innovation – from the sea to the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Sul: use of biostimulants of marine macroalgae for the production of family farming”. This project, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gustavo Henrique, from the PPGCA, has allowed assistance to producers of marine macroalgae on the coast of RN to increase their production.
Innovation and cost reduction in in vitro production technology of bovine embryos raised in the semiarid region. Project coordinated by Professor Marcelo Barbosa Bezerra developed jointly with a private company and approved by the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: ETENE / FUNDECI 02/2017 in the amount of R$ 513,000.00.